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Wellness First Medical & Chiropractic Center in Dickinson, TX - Holistic, Chiropractic, Family

Spinal Traction

Proudly Serving Galveston County, TX

What is Spinal Traction Therapy?

Spinal traction therapy is a type of treatment that helps alleviate back and leg pain, as well as neck and arm pain. It doesn't involve surgery and is designed to be comfortable for the patient.

How does traction work?

During the therapy session, the patient goes through a series of gentle pulling and releasing movements. This process, known as distraction and relaxation, is done in a carefully positioned manner. The goal is to target a specific spinal disc and create a negative pressure or vacuum effect within it.

Spinal Traction

In simpler terms, spinal traction therapy gently stretches and relaxes the spine to provide relief from pain in the back, legs, neck, or arms. It's a non-invasive approach that aims to alleviate discomfort and improve overall well-being.

What does the vacuum effect do?

The vacuum effect does two important things. First, it helps fix any disc material that has bulged or slipped out of place. The vacuum created inside the disc pulls this material back where it belongs, inside the disc. Second, the vacuum stimulates the growth of blood supply to the disc. This boost in blood flow encourages healing and reduces pain. So, the vacuum effect helps reduce pain and promotes proper healing at the injured area.

What machine is used for this purpose?

There are different machines used for spinal traction therapy in the United States. We have chosen to use the Triton DTS machine made by Chattanooga, Inc., a top manufacturer of physical therapy machines.

Who can benefit from Spinal Traction Therapy?

Spinal traction therapy is helpful for people with back or neck pain caused by damaged discs. It can be used for conditions like herniated, protruding, or bulging discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis of the spine, sciatica, or pinched nerves.

Are there conditions where Spinal Traction is not recommended?

Spinal traction therapy is not recommended for pregnant women or patients with severe osteoporosis, severe obesity, or severe nerve damage. It's also not recommended for patients over 80 years old. However, each patient is evaluated individually. If you have had spinal surgery with screws or metal plates, traction therapy may not be suitable. But if you had disc surgery without fusion or used bony replacement for fusion, it may still be an option.

How often and how long are the treatment sessions?

Each session lasts 15-20 minutes and includes traction therapy and other therapies. Typically, spinal traction is done 3 to 5 times a week for a total of 15 to 20 sessions.

If you believe you could benefit from high-quality care, consider getting treatment from the staff at Wellness First Medical & Chiropractic Center. Our dedicated staff will be pleased to answer your questions today. We can also help you schedule a time to visit our Dickinson, TX office.

Call Us: (281) 337-3337 to make/change your appointment Or email us at:

Meet our Chiropractor

Dr. Donna Sanders, DC
Clinic Director

For over 32 years, Dr. Donna Sanders, DC has been dedicated to serving people in the surrounding communities of Galveston County with the most up to date, holistic, chiropractic care.

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Meet our Chiropractor

Dr. Ross Baird, DC

Dr. Ross Baird, DC is a 2017 graduate of Texas Chiropractic College. He is also an alumni of Texas A&M, having majored in Biology. Through his own life experiences and health challenges, Dr. Baird is passionate about helping his patients not only with acute injuries, but also at deeper levels of health and wellness.

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Monday: 8am-12pm | 2pm-6pm

Tuesday: 8am-12pm | 2pm-6pm

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: 8am-12pm | 2pm-6pm

Friday: 8am-12pm | 2pm-6pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed